The Positively Hollis Post is a quarterly publication with a clear mission: to promote community connection in Hollis. The newspaper celebrates our town and its residents by sharing stories, uplifting news, and events that showcase the best of what Hollis has to offer.
We invite you to submit your uplifting story or story ideas that shine a spotlight on Hollis, its citizens, memorable events, exceptional businesses, and community happenings. Writers of all ages are welcome to submit.
As part of our mission, every resident will receive a free copy of our quarterly newspaper, ensuring that we are connected with a sense of togetherness and engagement. Issues are scheduled for March, June, September, and December.
At the Positively Hollis Post, we adhere to the highest standards of integrity and professionalism in all our practices. Our commitment is to deliver accurate, fair, and balanced information while upholding the values of free and open dialogue, ensuring a positive and constructive engagement with the community we serve.
Copyright © 2023 Positively Hollis - All Rights Re
The PositivelyHollis.Com website is published by the Positively Hollis LLC, Hollis, NH 03049. All rights reserved. Contents may not be reproduced in any manner without written permission. The publisher and agents of the website assume no liability for any comments or claims made by those interviewed for any articles or any articles submitted. Any opinions expressed are those of the person(s) making the statements and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the publisher, its agents, or Positively Hollis LLC.